Policy on Generative AI
Summary of AI Policies Applied in ISAT 300.
In a nutshell
You must disclose all use of generative AI
Specify Technology and on what date (ChatGPT, Co-Pilot, etc.)
Identify prompts
Explain how output was used in your work
You must not use AI to avoid thinking and learning
Here is a guideline on allowed and not allowed uses of AI:
Allowed Not Allowed Use AI as a tutor to explain problems (be careful, course content trumps AI) Use AI to write paragraphs of lab reports, projects, etc. Use AI to answer specific coding questions Have AI do the data analysis for you/ write analysis scripts Use AI to brainstorm Rely on AI for background research, because information generated by AI cannot be citable and AI will hallucinate Use AI to organize thoughts or to outline something Use of AI during exams Ask AI to summarize or improve your writing Generic answers, or answers not aligned with course material (AI smell) will result in a failing grade of the assignment.
Undisclosed use of AI or use of AI in violation of the AI policy is considered an honor-code violation
JMU Policies and Resources
The only tool generally approved for use by the entire JMU community is Microsoft Copilot.. While using Copilot, you must adhere to all JMU policies ([found here(https://www.jmu.edu/computing/software/generative-artificial-intelligence.shtml)])
JMU libraries offers a dedicated page with resources on the use of generative AI.